Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wien, haben Sie einen gewissen Wettbewerb gegen Prag. Mal sehen, wie Sie tun.

Made it to Vienna alive! It’s not what I was expecting, but the city has been treating me well except for all of the cheap food available at my fingertips. I went on this trip with a few expectations in mind. First, to lose weight because I would be too poor to eat properly. Second, to get a tan. Third, ease up on the acne. I’ve eaten better than I do back in Boston ever since Prague. I’ve definitely gotten a tan, but in many shapes & sizes all over my body. The acne…well that’s hopeless. I’ve accepted sweating as a daily part of my life here. It’s all worth it. I have no regrets since I left.

Friday...Will & I did more exploring in the city on a mission to find him a pipe, which we did successfully. It wasn’t too eventful since the sun was melting everything it touched. Everyone got together Friday night to go out, but that didn’t work out too well for me. I haven’t been carded since I left for Europe, but the one time I didn’t bring my ID, they decided I look under 21 which I won’t complain about! Late night pizza it was. The next day finally came for me to leave oh so beautiful Prague.

Since Will was headed that way too, we grabbed the same train & enjoyed a nice long, long, long 5 hour train ride. Btw, Will is French Canadian & enjoys tying string around bees to keep as pets in his spare time. The past 2 days were full of wandering the streets finding new places & making fun of ducks. EVERY STORE except restaurants were closed today, but we found a wedding to crash (from a distance) & met a cat named Sir Leo McGregor. Wasn’t too bad of a day. The biggest music festival in Europe was this weekend in Vienna, but it was quite a way to walk so we didn’t make it in time. Eh, there’s always next year (Stephanie?).

Tomorrow is my last day in Vienna until Budapest, but I’m not sure what’s in store just yet. I’m a little disappointed in the city because I was expecting beautiful architecture at every corner. Maybe I haven’t been looking in the right parts of the city. That’s my mission for tomorrow! I haven’t been as active in being a touristy tourist recently because I’ve done so much of it in the past 3 weeks, that I need a break. I’ve been enjoying finding hidden gems by accident instead. Sorry for not adding pictures, but my bed misses me so I must go to it.


  1. Dude...drinking age is NOT 21 in Europe. Probably 18 in Austria. Besides, I thought you don't drink! Also besides, what the hell are you doing eating PIZZA in Europe??? Unless you're in Italy, of course...

  2. amy where are you
