Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Vorsicht, existiert der drei Augen Jonglieren Bär in einem Tutu.

Streets of Vienna
Free music at the wedding we "crashed"
I’ve had the most unproductive week since I started this trip, & I’ve loved every minute of it. I actually enjoy being a touristy tourist going to museums, free walking tours soaking up the history you don’t learn in classes, & sightseeing. I thrive on the unknown adventures that await me. But man, it can be tiring. Normally, I would want to slap someone that says, “Hey, I’m on a nice long vacation, but it’s made me tired even though I can sleep in everyday, eat delicious food, oh, & not work THE ENTIRE TIME.” So feel free to slap me when I get home.

St. Stephen's Cathedral
The past week I spent my time in Prague (an extra 2 days than planned) & Vienna, but I didn’t do as much as I would have under normal circumstances. It was fantastic. I met great people, ventured off my path & went out to the social scenes, & did very little exploring. But now I’m back & ready for more adventures. Will & I parted ways a few hours ago, so I’m on the train from Vienna to Budapest, Hungary. There is a girl sitting next to me singing her ENTIRE playlist serenading everyone. I never even gave this city a second thought, but I’ve had plenty of people tell me it’s a must see place. Amsterdam turned out great, right? It works out since I sadly can’t make it to Athens. So for now, the plan is Budapest to the beautiful beaches of Croatia, hop over to Italy & hit up Florence, Venice, & Rome. Not sure where I’ll end up after that, but that’s the beauty of the trip! I will have gone to every city that interested me, but I should have some free time to find some hidden gems before heading back to Dublin at the end of July where I’m hoping my equally adventurous phone will await me.

Will, perfect photo bomber
Let’s see…Vienna. Vienna is a pretty city, but doesn’t compare to Prague. I got the impression that it’s a hit with all of the shopaholics. For those who know me, I would rather fight a three-eyed bear juggling in a tutu with just my bare hands (ba dum psh!) than shop. A woman who doesn’t like to shop? Yes, they exist. As soon as someone asks us to do this terrible thing, our red eyes, sharp teeth, & claws come out. Stephanie & Mom are witness to this. Will & I had a good time walking around, finding coffee shops & a delicious pub, & taking a break from the normal traveler’s path. I had great company, food, & a beautiful city, so I would call that a success. The second day we were there, Will warned me it would be a rainy day, but I wasn’t worried because I love walking through the rain getting a little wet. It’s quite peaceful & refreshing. No, this was a monsoon. Joke was on me.

Park sights
Frolicking in the gardens
Today was a little windy with light drizzling, but it fit perfectly with my sweating self in search of the train station. Since I don’t go around lugging my huge bag everywhere, my body is always surprised at this idea of exercise when I’m switching cities. I’ve rested up enough but have a few hours to kill on the train & research some cool things to do in Budapest courtesy of Stephanie. Caves sound pretty cool. In all honesty, I don’t want to come back to the States. I love all of you dearly, but this trip has been far greater than I ever imagined. I need to find that perfect job that hands me money to travel (direct cash preferred)…pay for all of my food, buy my house, maybe a dog if it's not too much to ask, shouldn’t be too hard. I’m not even at my halfway point, but it’s going by too fast!!


  1. Lol that job is called "army"

  2. Lol that job is called "army"

  3. They would probably pay to get rid of me. Wait...that's perfect.
