Saturday, June 8, 2013

Je ne suis pas sûr de ce à titre ce poste.

I'm French!
Paris has grown on me over the past 2 days…I’m getting my feel for this kind of traveling & gonna be honest, feel pretty French at the moment. Yesterday was a busy day for my feet, walking all over Paris for 10 hours ( was only 4 miles). After packing my bags yesterday morning, I left the hotel in search of a baguette. A lost looking face & a few train rides away I found a pastry shop on a corner & got my huge baguette for only 95 cents! I broke it in half, stuffed it in my bag, & headed for the Eiffel Tower to hang out in the park area for a couple of hours.

The 2 brave pigeons
On the way, I heard a group of American guys speaking to a group of girls say they were from North Carolina…my neighbors! Nice reminder of home. Once I turned the corner, there it was…you see the pictures, but it’s different when you see it in person. The long park is laid out in front, so I found a spot, plopped myself down, & ate my baguette while guarding it from 2 brave pigeons. The park was absolutely beautiful & full of people having picnics, playing soccer, & being their touristy selves taking pictures (like me). Lesson #4: wear sunscreen. I realized when I got home that night that I had a nice farmer’s sunburn, but at least no one will be blinded by my whiteness.

One of my favorite things to do is people watch. I’m completely content sitting at a café or on a bench doing my thing for a couple of hours while everything else happens around me. I saw a newly married couple taking pictures, many, many couples having lunch together, kids kicking the ball around, runners, & picture takers. Once curiosity got to me a couple of hours later, I packed my bags & headed straight for the tower. At first glance, I thought climbing that tower would be nothing but a few gulps of water away. As I walked closer & the tower got bigger, there was NO WAY I was going to try to climb that thing with my backpack. I don’t know if I could even do it without carrying anything (we’ll find out Monday). I took a few more pictures with my mouth gaping open & followed the crowd to the other side to see the vendors lining the river.

Geometrically cut trees
There was a free fashion show that I was planning on attending a few blocks away, so I walked along the river for a while hoping to notice the building once I got to it. On my journey there, I was approached by 2 scam artists, stopped by a building to use the bathroom & ended up visitng the City of Paris Museum of Fine Arts by accident (it was free), missed the fashion show because it was in a completely different part of Paris (I can’t read), & found the Louvre by accident after almost walking past it without noticing what it was.

Mr. Churchill
The scam artists…this was pretty funny. I’m walking along the river, & a Spanish lady walking towards me picks something up off of the ground (which I could have sworn I didn’t see anything down there). She “found a golden ring” that looked like a man’s wedding ring. I’m thinking oh no, someone lost their ring! She looks around & then at me asking if it was mine to which I shake my head, but she’s insistent on giving me the ring saying it is good luck & to keep it. I’m thinking, "mkay, why not? Cool souvenir." As I’m walking away I hear her say, “Madam, do you have any change? Maybe 2 euros?” I tell her I have no change (I lied because I’m poor too) but she kept asking. I handed out the ring to give to her, she took it angrily & left. At this point, I knew what she was up to. Not 10 minutes later on the same pathway a young Spanish guy does the same thing to me. He “finds a ring,” that looks exactly like the first & wants to give it to me, but I just look at him & walk off. Come on guys, at least agree to take opposite sides of the river.

Chillin' out in the water fountain at the Louvre
City of Paris Museum of Fine Arts
In search of water & a bathroom, I found a group of official looking buildings thinking they were hotels & walked into the City of Paris Museum of Fine Arts. Double whammy! A few of their floors are free to visit, & I was able to use the bathroom! Afterwards, I went back on the river trail & continued my journey. I noticed more official looking buildings in front of me, pulled out my map to see what they were, walked past the Louvre, pulled out my map again, & doubled backed to go in the entrance. The Louvre has a long garden/fountain/walking area (which I later discovered is the Tuilerie Gardens) before you actually reach it…they have fountains, vendors, & chairs everywhere under shades of trees that I sat myself down at & hung out for a while. The shade was much needed, & you can't beat the scenery (unless you're the Eiffel Tower).

My homegirl, Mona, & me hanging around
The Louvre + a person
I finally reached the Louvre sticking my feet in the fountain beside the glass pyramid & denied access to the “secret” area to purchase tickets (most people don’t know about), but luckily there was NO line at the main entrance. Eleven euros later I went on to see the Mona Lisa & many other works of art. I spent about 2 hours there, but had to leave without seeing everything because my feet were punishing me back. I took Line 12 on the Metro to the Lamarck-Callaincourt stop & spent about half an hour walking back & forth on Rue Callaincourt looking for my hostel…I turned left instead of right when I got off of the train. This is what I’m going to be doing for the next 2 months, & I can’t wait. The hostel life is perfect for me. There is a mom & daughter from Venezuela & a woman from Ireland (I have a place to stay in Ireland now for free) rooming with me. I’m only there for 1 more night until the next hostel, but it’s perfect. They’re cheap, I have a great view, the private bathroom is surprisingly nice, & I feel safe. I was able to leave my luggage there for the day so no lugging around my backpack!

Today was my day to hang around since my feet are a bit angry. I went back to my first hotel in search of my towel (sorry mom) which they didn’t have, and then headed to the St. Lazare Metro stop to purchase a cabin for the nighttrain to Barcelona Tuesday night. Above the St. Lazare Metro stop is the Lafeyette Galleria (where the fashion show I missed yesterday was), restaurants, vendors, & shops galore! I’ve done my share of shopping this morning & am hanging out at a café for the rest of the afternoon. Tomorrow I’m hoping to wake up in time to go to the Notre Dame church service, but can't promise anything since I don't have an alarm. I'm going to end this post apologizing to everyone for the corny jokes...thank you Dad.

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