Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Scurvy is coming.

Goodbye Ireland! 10 pm & still sunny!
The big, bad boat
It’s been 14 hours since we boarded, only about 4-5 more hours on the ferry. Lesson learned #2: If you’re going on a ferry overnight, spend the money for a cabin! I purchased a ticket for a reclining chair to sleep in because it was the cheapest (plus the cabins were full). I was in a small room with a bunch of other scary men but luckily got to sleep across 2 chairs (luxury!). I’m pretty sure we were near the loudest part of the ship, but I had a window above me so I stared at the starry sky for a while. Quite peaceful.

My view...sweet
I’ve also learned that if you’re traveling frequently, you probably won’t take a shower but every 2 days. Stephanie…you aren’t gonna want your clothes back. The semi-shower in the sink of the public bathroom was an experience. My body is discovering muscles it didn’t know it had & is much happier for all of the water intake. Hooray new found muscles!

If you can find it, the code is 8-9-8
Cool lock bridge
I meant to put this in one of the first posts. This is a bridge in Dublin that had locks all over it. I decided to add my own.

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