Monday, June 10, 2013

Là où il ya un McDonald, il ya un Starbucks. Ma maison loin de la maison.

View from my first hostel
Happy pants
Only 1 more day in Paris. I’m a bit sad to leave…I’ve gotten the hang of this city. Then off to who knows where! Hopefully I’ll figure that out today. Originally my plan was to head to Barcelona, Spain, but I’ve learned another lesson since day 1. Even if you have the Eurail Pass (unlimited train travel through 24 European countries…England not included), you must always pay a reservation or cabin (night trains) fee traveling over country lines. This can range between 10-100 euros. Lesson #5 & #6: plan to pay for traveling even when you don’t expect it. IT WILL HAPPEN. Also, plan your trip in that country’s currency, not yours. I had this trip all worked out thinking I’d be living the life. Well when the dollar is $1.40 per 1 euro, your money will start to drain pretty fast. I’ve re-budgeted my trip correctly, so the only change I had to make was sleeping in a cardboard box at night. But I get to choose any that I want!

Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris
Ooo pretty
On Saturday, I attempted to do laundry in the sink which seemed pretty successful at first. I had to buy a sponge to use as a stopper & mixed the clothes in with some shampoo, rinsed, & hung them on the window balcony. Only problems I had were they still smelled & didn't dry in time for me to leave. Soon I'll be looking for a laundromat. I sadly left my new friends at the hostel yesterday morning…Ivi Flower (last name changed for privacy, & I don’t know it) was the girl from Cork, Ireland visiting her sister for a few days. She offered for me to stay at her place if I’m in the city on my way back. Score! The ladies from Venezuela, Dan & her mom, took pity on me, & gave me 1 of their 4 towels since they were going to leave it behind. Dan, wherever you are, my showers are much happier ones now, so thank you! I headed off to make it to mass in time at Notre Dame.

The gargoyles
The weather here reminds me of Boston…bloody hot one day, then freezing the next. That’s Paris right now. The first 2 days were extremely hot. I think I sweated half of my weight off (woohoo!), but yesterday & today have been quite chilly & rainy. I found Notre Dame (b-e-a-utilful!), took lots of pictures, then made it inside for mass & sat in the 4th row. As soon as I walked in, Church of the Good Shepherd (my church back home in SC) came to mind as the smell of incense filled my nostrils. Twas a great, homey feeling. I didn’t understand one lick of what they were saying, but followed their hand movements to blend in with the crowd. The service, music, & view were absolutely stunning.

A "play me" piano in the train station
Hôtel de Ville
My next adventure was to visit Hotel de Ville, which is “the location of the municipality of Paris since 1357.” I took my pictures & then found a café to hang out at for a little while before heading to my new hostel, Woodstock Hostel. It’s exactly how you would picture it to be. On the inside are lots of colors on the walls, pictures of the Beatles, and an actual Volkswagon Beetle door with a skull hanging from it. The rooms have 6 beds & are connected to the hallway leading to one bathroom & shower. As I was walking around trying to find this place, of course I get lost & turned around. I ended up walking to the next Metro station somehow, but luckily found the Moulin Rouge which I wanted to see before I leave. When you think of Moulin Rouge, what kind of area would you picture it in? That’s exactly where it is, a skeevy part of town. There are SO many sex shops…I feel like I’m in the red light district. I’m pretty sure I saw a prostitute on my way to lunch today.

Another lock bridge!
Outdoor tv with reserved seats for French Open
There are 3 Chinese girls & 2 Dutch girls from Holland in my room. Two of the Chinese girls are exchange students in Sweden & France visiting Paris for the weekend, & the Dutch girls decided to visit Paris while on break during university since they lived only 4 hours away & couldn’t believe they’ve never been here. I feel the same way with New York. I’ve been in Boston for over 2 years & haven’t even visited New York City yet! I’m afraid that when I do, I’ll want to move there instantly, & I can’t have that…right now at least. After about 2 hours talking with the ladies, one of my eyes decided to turn bloodshot red & get all itchy. There’s only one reason that ever happens…there’s a cat hiding in the room somewhere. It wasn’t until the next morning that I found said cat chillin’ by my feet downstairs at breakfast. What do I do when I see a cat? Pet it! I can’t help it…Monsieur kittay would hang out on the stairs just waiting for you to pet him. Dern cats.
le Moulin Rouge
My favorite art in Paris
I’m on my way to Arc de Triomphe & then to the Eiffel Tower to do the impossible (for me). Climb it! Last night my dinner consisted of bread, cheese, & olives (thanks to my regular at Starbucks, John!), so I took the leftover bread with me to eat tonight in the park in front of the tower. After sunset on the hour for 10 minutes, over 20,000 light bulbs light up the tower for the world to see. This will complete my adventure in Paris. Then off to the next destination! I’m tempted to ask the Dutch girls to give me a ride to Amsterdam tomorrow (on their way) to avoid paying a train fee. I’ve been looking into where you stay on people’s couches for a night or two for free…they may even show you around the city. It sounds very sketch, but it’s reputable. Hmmm decisions, decisions.


  1. Check out

  2. Hey Amy! This is Keith's girlfriend, Kielecia. Chris told us about your blog so stopped by to check it out. Have a great trip! Can't wait to see where you end up next. :]

  3. Be careful silly girl miss you bunches

  4. I forgot y'all could comment. Thank you everyone! Kielecia, tell Keith I said bean, & Debbie, I miss you too. Mason, hurry up & join me already.
