Friday, June 14, 2013

Als je een bel hoort, run!

Please excuse the 2 day hiatus…I started writing this entry yesterday morning but became busy with laziness. The past 2 days were full of fun & exploring, but now it’s time for Berlin! I caught the right train (I think) so about 6 more hours to go depending on if I switch correct platforms due to the flooding in Germany. Sadly Sweden will have to wait for a later trip because I am not experienced enough to navigate a 15 hour train ride as we know from the trip to Amsterdam. But that gives me more incentive to take another trip within the next 10 years. I’m head over heels in love with Amsterdam. I would even venture out to say it’s almost as wonderful as Asheville, NC, where I hope to retire.

Heineken Brewery
Before visiting Amsterdam, I along with many others wondered why I chose to see this city if I don’t drink, party, or smoke. There is so much more to this city than what everyone perceives it to be! Yeah, there is the red light district, many places to smoke, & clubs galore, but during the daytime, it’s a completely different experience. Cyclists rule the roads. Everywhere you turn there is a cyclist about to run you over if you don’t move when they ring their bells. From young people to old, students to businessmen, EVERYONE RIDES A BIKE.

Ye olde cheese store
"The Night Watch" painting by Rembrandt
The canals line every other street with beautiful, compact, & colorful apartments along them, with boats, swans, & ducks cruising down the water. Bikes are parked everywhere, musicians are playing on the cobblestone streets, & the smell of food is spectacular. The cheese is delicious too. My dinner last night consisted of free sampling at Ye Olde Amsterdam Cheese Shop (highly recommended & located in the Dam Square). It’s a bit windy, but that’s expected with a city on the edge of the water. My hair gave up on looking decent as soon as I stepped outside.

Westerkerk, where Rembrandt is buried
A little Van Gogh
The city is full of history, shopping, & people out having a good time. I was supposed to head to Berlin yesterday but wasn’t ready to say goodbye. That’s what I love about backpacking…my schedule is extremely flexible, & I’ve met SO many people in the hostels. Wes stayed in one of the hostels I was at for a night & is headed to Berlin today as well, so I won’t be completely alone there. He’s from Canada & has another couple of months to go. Gunner, from my hostel last night, is from Iceland & has been backpacking all over the world for the past 13 months. Hopefully he’ll be heading back home after his European tour. Becky & ? are 2 ladies that also stayed in the hostel last night & are from Australia backpacking around Europe for the next 4 months. I love having all these people to relate to & share stories with.

Original bookcase & secret door in Anne Frank's house
Mummified head
On Wednesday, Sasha & I visited the Anne Frank house where she hid for 2 years (very emotional), the Biebel Museum, Amsterdam Museum to see Rembrandt & Van Gogh, & briefly attended a Turkish protest in the Dam Square. We walked all over the city, tried delicious foods, & went out a little bit later that night. One of the places we stopped for drinks, she gave me some behind the scenes of what goes on in Russia or at least where she is from, Moscow. Bribes are common with not only politicians, but the police who are backed by the mafia. She gave me advice that if I were to ever kill someone in Russia, don’t go to the police. I should go to my parents so they can help me bury the body. New middle-class cars cost around one million five hundred thousand rubles or roughly $50,000. The women base their friendship on who has name brand materials or suffer being considered a “loser.” It was interesting to see the similarities & differences of our societies, & makes me appreciate the US even more.

Park art
Super feet
We parted ways yesterday as I headed to the Laundromat (I know, I know, I gave in & paid the 6,20 euros!) which beats laundry in the sink. I chatted up a guy from Philly when I saw his Steelers bag (go Pats!). Yesterday my super feet walked about 8 miles all over the city wandering through the huge parks, eating, & going out last night. Pretty fun. For the past 2 hours, a German lady behind me started telling me how Monday marks the 60 year anniversary of the beginning of the revolution against Communism (in which Germany started the revolution) & delved into the Turkish politics. She didn’t want to tell me her name just in case I didn't agree with her. I absolutely hate talking politics with people since others get so upset if you don’t agree with them, so now it’s time for some power bars & shut eye. Next stop, Berlin! After the stop in Hannover.

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