Friday, June 21, 2013

Mám střílet sám od psaní blogů.

Drowning trees
Berlin Holocaust Memorial
I don't even know where to begin...the past 4 days have been crazy. Ok first, Monday. Monday morning I headed out to Prague on the train. I met 3 Americans from Arizona & California so we shared a cabin together & were joined by 2 Irishmen. The Californian went to University of Southern California so we enjoyed a heated debate about who the real USC is (go Cocks!). The train ride was beautiful as we passed hills full off colorful houses lined along the river. You could see where the floodings have affected the area with trees halfway submerged in the water.

Berlin street entertainment...
Brandenburg Gate - Berlin
The guys went their way, & I found the nearest Starbucks to find my way to the hostel. I managed to pick the hostel located at the very top of the hill, but this has been the best one yet. As soon as I stepped inside. the guy at the front desk showed me places to go, gave me a tour of the if you're ever in Prague, stay at Hostel One. They're very active in getting everyone together to socialize & go out. That night there was a free dinner followed by going out in the downtown area. I've met too many people to keep up with since being here (I identify most of them by where they're from).
Checkpoint Charlie - Berlin
Mr. Fancypants - Berlin
I don't know how my body managed to pull this off, but I didn't wake up until noon yesterday. Or the day before that (I miss my phone & alarm clock, but I know it's having a great time on its own adventure). Tuesday consisted of me wandering in the downtown area window shopping & wishing I had a fashion sense. The hostel rounded everyone up again that night to go out so a late morning for me the next day.

A shriveled 600 year old arm
Super awesome astronomical clock
Two of my hostelmates, Chris & Will, & I took a free walking tour yesterday all over the city...Prague has a pretty disturbing history, but I guess that can be said with any city. For example, take the astronomical clock right over there. --> The creator threw himself into the clock mechanism preventing it from working for 80 years as revenge. Apparently his tongue was cut out & eyes burned out after being invited to a dinner to prevent him from building another one of these clocks in another city & taking away from their tourism. The picture over there <-- This is a warning from a church to thieves showing them what their arm will look like in 600 years. It's real.

Berlin Wall
More Berlin Wall
Today Will & I attempted to catch the walking castle tour thinking they would meet at the 700 year old bridge, ya know since it's pretty important, but sadly they were a bridge over. We went on our own adventure getting lost (he says we weren't) & caught amazing views of the city as we searched for the castle. I'm sorry Amsterdam, but you're gonna have to move to #2 on my top favorite European cities. Welcome Prague, you're #1. This city is absolutely gorgeous & full of more history than I can handle. These pictures don't do the beauty of Prague justice. I was supposed to leave for Vienna, Austria today, but extended my Prague trip another 2 days because I'm not ready to let go.

Lovely Prague
A pretty church
Sadly, I think Athens is going to be put on the backburner for another trip. I've had too many people warn me that there are problems with the international trains to Greece, so with my luck on the trains, I'm not going to take a chance. I'll probably head down to Italy or Munich after Budapest (after Vienna). Who knows! I'll probably just change my mind again tomorrow =) That's the beauty of doesn't matter!

More pretty Prague
Tomorrow will consist of looking for a pool. I haven't learned that sunblock is my best friend, so I have a nice red V on my neck, thong tan on my feet, & many other odd markings on my body. It was 32 degrees Celsius (90 Fahrenheit), but felt much higher due to the humidity. Took me back to the good ole South Carolinian days & reminded me of why I left for Boston. Off to my best friend, mattress.

<3 Prague

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