Thursday, July 4, 2013

Undici treni cavalca ora dovrebbero offrire impianti culo gratis.

12:18 pm

Can you find the crepes stand?
For those of you wondering, I did indeed make my way over to the crepes stand to enjoy a delicious banana nutella crepe at the Tollwood Festival. Worth it. As the night wore on Tuesday, we watched a beautiful lightning show in the distance before realizing it was headed towards us. Yup, time to go. Thunderstorms are great unless you’ve got a long way to walk back & the memory of the time you almost died in a monsoon keeps flashing through your mind. Luckily we made it back safe & sound.

Yesterday was full of shopping (please don’t judge me…I was weak) & walking through the English Garden narrowly avoiding piles of horse poop & watching surfers in the river. The Englischer Garten is one of the world's largest public parks, even bigger than Central Park...this is one of the many times I wish was a photographer. The sun was starting to set, casting a lovely glow against the clouds as we made our way along the river. Will smoked his pipe like a boss while I watched ducks be ducks & enjoyed listening to my 90s playlist on my new iPod. Music is crucial to have when can completely change my day & puts me in the right mood.

Two love birds in the English Garden
Sadly, Will & I parted ways again today as he is headed to Iceland for a few weeks & I…well I don’t really know where I’m headed at the moment. I was planning on going to Venice for 2 nights, but it’s a tad expensive so I changed my mind to Rome. Before I boarded the train preparing for a 9-hour train ride, I realized the 2nd half of the train ride requires a reservation. Crap. I’m hoping I can get off in Verona or Venice & purchase a train ticket either for today or tomorrow to Rome (same day is usually impossible) sooo we’ll see if it’s a sleep in the train station kind of night. For now, I’m on the train enjoying the smell of someone’s lasagna while the Lord of the Rings-like mountains pass on both sides of us. Hello tunnels!

Btw, a very happy Independence Day! I’m so thankful for this great country I live in & everyone who serves & has served giving me the opportunity to live the great life I do. I love you Stephen!

7:03 pm

Venice from the train station
See what a little eyelash batting & perking up of the ladies can do? I got a ticket to Rome boarding in half an hour! Just kidding…they had plenty of space on the train. The woman at the counter wasn’t impressed with my eyelash batting or the ladies. Four more hours until Rome! Venice was beautiful for the 45 minutes I got to see it from the train station. Even sitting on the train station steps is quite impressive…feet away is a waterway passing by minding its own business with boats galore driving through. & the colorful buildings…I’m coming back.

9:05 pm
I need a good book to read. & a butt massage. 

11:58 pm
Guys, I made it alive. If anyone understands Italian, please excuse the title. It should read butt implants.
My view from the train

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